Headquarters & Production
CryoSpectra GmbH
Gewerbestraße 18-20
2102 Bisamberg
Austria, Europa
Opening hours [CET]
Mon. to Fri.: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Headquarters & Production
CryoSpectra Systems GmbH
Gewerbestraße 18-20
2102 Bisamberg
Austria, Europa
Opening hours [CET]
Mon. to Fri.: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Legal Office
CryoSpectra GmbH
Große Schiffgasse 2/23
1020 Vienna
Austria, Europa

Aunion Tech Co.,Ltd
3rd Floor,6 Building,
No 2007 Hongmei Road,
Shanghai 200233 P.R.
MSH Systems, Inc.
6F, JR Hatchobori Bldg.,
3-25-10 Hatchobori, Chuo-ku,
Tokyo, 104-0032
PulsePower Technology Ltd.
RM 1-104, 84-8 Zhongguncundong Rd.
Haidian Distric, Beijing
100190 P.R. China
Elliot Scientific Ltd.
3 Allied Business Centre
Coldharbour Lane
AL5 4UT, Vereinigtes Königreich
Headquarter & Production
Gewerbestraße 18-20
2102 Bisamberg
Legal Office
Große Schiffgasse 2/23
1020 Vienna

Elliot Scientific Ltd.
3 Allied Business Centre
Coldharbour Lane
AL5 4UT, Vereinigtes Königreich

PulsePower Technology Ltd.
RM 1-104, 84-8 Zhongguncundong Rd.
Haidian Distric,
Beijing 100190 P.R.

Aunion Tech Co.,Ltd
3rd Floor,6 Building,
No 2007 Hongmei Road,
Shanghai 200233 P.R.

MSH Systems, Inc.
6F, JR Hatchobori Bldg.,
3-25-10 Hatchobori, Chuo-ku,
Tokyo, 104-0032
Why CryoSpectra?
- Leading expertise in the field of cryogenic & low-temperature technology based on our own research & development
- Rapid customized development & integration, 100% adapted to the requirements of our customers
- Depending on your requirements: prototyping and small, medium or large series production
- Many years of experience in science & industry